Sunday, December 27, 2009


Last night, I had a dream that I was sitting across the table from my middle sister and a hot actor (Why, oh, why can't I remember who it was?!?!) was sitting next to her. I wanted to whisper something to my sister so I leaned across the table, but I felt really tired so I knocked out and hit my forehead on the table before I could even say anything. Then I felt like I was out of my body and I laughed along with my sister and the actor.

I guess this shows how tired I've been lately. I've been having the worst case of insomnia lately and it doesn't help that my niece gets up so early in the morning. I'm on vacation, damn it!

My dream switched to a conversation I was having with one of my boyfriend's friends from Guatemala, Carlitos. He hesitated, but then told me that my boyfriend had been seeing another girl a couple of years back when we were broken up. I felt so crushed but tried not to show it because we weren't together at the time, so it wasn't my place to be upset.

This one was weird. First, I have never even met Carlitos. I've only seen him on Facebook. Second, during the time my boyfriend and I were broken up, he was in Taiwan and not Guatemala, so of course, Carlitos' information was false. Hmmm... Trust issues?

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